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Chen Jun
2016-07-02 14:31  

Chen Jun, Associate Professor


【Basic information】

Department: Institute of resources and environment

Title: Associate Professor

Date of birth: June 1979


【Personal Profile】

Chenjun,Male,Associate professor, was born in June 1979, the Chinese communist party member, graduate degree, Dr. Graduated from sichuan normal university and received a bachelor's degree In July 2001. Graduated from sichuan normal university and received a master of science degree In July 2005. In the same year in July. Participated in the work at Resources and Environment Department of Chengdu University of Information and Technology. In June 2013,Graduated from chengdu university of technology , and received a PhD degree in engineering.

【Research Direction】

1.       Geographic information system development and integration

2.       Spatial analysis technology and application

3.       Three-dimensional GIS

【Project Understudied】

1. Research on the method of real time and high precision map dynamic projection for client, General project of Education department of sichuan province(15ZB0184), the project leader

2. System development of Heavy rains flood disaster risk assessment in Sichuan, The climate center in sichuan province, the project leader

【project Completed】

1.Sichuan main meteorological disaster risk assessment system (three phase), the climate center in sichuan province, 2015, the project leader

2. Research and development of Battlefield electromagnetic situation maps system, Chengdu UCEN technology co., LTD., 2015, the project leader

3. System development of Sichuan main meteorological disaster risk assessment, climate center in sichuan province, 2014, the project leader

4.Research and development of information management system for Ganzi mass work, Sichuan Normal University, 2013, the project leader

5.Research and development of information management system for Jiulong mass work, Sichuan Normal University, 2013, the project leader

6. UCEN Calvin electromagnetic compatibility analysis system research and development (three phase), Chengdu UCEN technology co., LTD., 2012, the project leader

7. DSEN Calvin electromagnetic compatibility analysis system research and development (two phase), Chengdu DSEN technology co., LTD., 2011, the project leader

8. DSEN Calvin electromagnetic compatibility analysis system research and development, Chengdu DSEN technology co., LTD., 2010, the project leader

9. Software Upgrade and development of FY - 3 meteorological satellite application, meteorological bureau information center in Sichuan, 2011, the project leader

10. Evaluation of business system software development of the remote sensing monitoring for Solid state of water resources in the qinghai-tibet plateau, demonstration of sichuan province meteorological bureau information center, 2010, the project leader

【Papers and Monographs】

1. The Study of Key Technologies of Spatial Analysis Services Based On G/S Model, Sichuan University Press,2013, Monograph, First author

2. Study on real-time and high-accuracy rectification of topographic map, Geography and Geographic Information Science,2011.4, Chinese Core, First author

3. An Algorithm for Map/Reduce Dynamic Loading Balancing Policy Based On Processing Time, Journal of jiangxi normal university (natural science edition),2013.01, Chinese Core, First author

4. Research for GIS Raster Data Storage and Display under the FrameWork of Private Cloud,Proceedings of the Computer Science and Electronics Engineering,2012.03.EI(20122115034449) , First author

5. Study on automatic vectorization of thematic map based on Neighborhood Filling,Environment and Transportation Engineering,2011.06,EI(2011361429336) , First author

6. A quick thinning algorithm based on labelling regions,2008.04, Chinese Core, First author

7. An Algorithm for Cloud WMS Dynamic Loading Balancing Policy Based On Processing Time, Computer measurement and control,2013.07, Chinese Core, First author

8. Study on WMS under the cloud framework,2012.48, Science and technology core, First author

9. Study on removing Annotations from Thematic Map,2007.4, Chinese Core, First author

10. A method for classifying contour line base on angle detecting, Journal of chengdu university of information technology,2007.8, First author



College of Resources and Environment

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